How to install Samsung Notes on PC
Open Power Shell Enter winget install “Samsung Notes” –source msstore Confirm twice with YES. DONE
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Open Power Shell Enter winget install “Samsung Notes” –source msstore Confirm twice with YES. DONE
I had old Intel M.2 with 256g of storage and wanted to replace it with Samsung 980 pro 500g. I cloned disk with Macriuom reflect with partitions as they were. When I booted windows I got BSOD Inaccessible boot device. My fix was to make sure that in UEFI(bios) I had selected that disk is…
Read more BSOD inaccessible boot device when cloning M.2 disk
Take Ownership of an Object using takeown Command This command will take ownership of the folder or drive, and all files and subfolders in the folder or drive. Open an elevated command prompt (administrator). To grant ownership to administrators group: To Take Ownership of a Folder or Drive and All Contents using icacls Command Open an elevated command prompt (administrator). To…
Install raspbian update sudo apt-get update 3. Install Cups sudo apt-get install cups 4. sudo usermod -a -G lpadmin pi 5. Set static IP in graphic settings or via sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf 6. Set Cups to be accessible from network sudo cupsctl –remote-any 7. Setup SSH remote access (Options->SSH) sudo raspi-config 8. From your browser…
ENG: When you choose to shutdown laptop in shuts down and then starts up again. This is problem when it is powered to AC or on docking station. Here is Lenovo statement. Go to BIOS and disable this settings: Network – Wake on LAN – Wake on LAN from Dock Power – Power On with…
SLO: Ko zaženem Jupiter notebook se v brskalniku Opera odpre sporočilo: Connection refused in port Rešitev: V nastavitvah opere poišči Opera turbo in izklopi. To je to. ENG: When I start Jupiter notebok in Opera browser I get error msg: Connection refused and port Solution: In Opera settings find Opera turbo and disable it. That…
Read more Jupiter notebook – connection refused in Opera browser
ENG: If your PC or laptop freezes try to restart your graphics card drivers with : Win+Ctrl+Shift+B on your keyboard Screen will go black and you’ll hear a beep. You will not loose any work and programs will still be open. SLO: Če tvoj PC ali laptop zmrzne pred restartom poiskusi ponovno zagnati gonilnike grafične…
Read more Restart Your Graphics Card Drivers with hotkey in win 10 and 8
The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID {D63B10C5-BB46-4990-A94F-E40B9D520160} and APPID {9CA88EE3-ACB7-47C8-AFC4-AB702511C276} to the user BLAZH\blaz SID (S-1-5-21-1416049023-1810800279-3287750220-1001) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC) running in the application container Unavailable SID (Unavailable). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool. SLO 1.…
SLO Pritisni Windows Logo tipka + R Vpiši shell:startup in pritisni enter V to mapo, ki se odpre, skopiraj bližnjico programa, ki ga hočeš dodati v zagon. ENG Press Windows Logo Key + R type shell:startup and press ENTER In folder that opens copy desired shortcut of your program to be run on startup
Take windows install DVD / USB and copy folder sources\sxs\ to c:\ Extract windows net framework cab in the same directory Open cmd with admin rights run DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:C:\sxs Take windows install DVD / USB and copy folder sources\sxs\ to c:\ SLO Poišči DVD / USB in kopiraj mapo sources\sxs\ na…