Cisco vpn failed to initialize connection subsystem

SLO Problem se je začel pojavljati v Win 8.1 in v Win 10 beta. Očitno je nek popravek nekaj spremenil. Rešitev:   – odpremo register (regedit.exe) in poiščemo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings – kliknemo z desnim klikom in Nov/ključ in mu damo ime  GlobalUserOffline – v tej novi mapi imemo eno spremenljivko (privzeto), ki ji z dvo-klikom spremenimo vrednost…

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OpenElec je še ena verzija sistema XBMC za Raspberry Pi. Prav tako kot pri Rasbmc je osnova Linux. Razlika je v tem, da je OpenElec bolj zaprt za razne dodatke (deluge, MC) na nivoju Linua. Nekaj dobrodošlih nasvetov: – dostop v linux preko ssh je v osnovi root/openelec – dostop do boot mape je skrit.…

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Raspberry Pi B+

Pred kakim letom sem začel iskati način, kako bi na TV-ju otroka lahko sama gledala vse risanke, ki so se nabrala na zunanjem disku USB. TV namreč ni zmogel predvajanja HD risank z novejšimi audio codeki. Poznal sem XBMC (zdajšnji KODI). Po testu na PC-ju sem se odločil, da kupim manjšo škatlico na osnovi androida.…

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‘DbProviderFactories’ section can only appear once per config file error’ – MS SQL DTS wizard

ENGLISH I had this problem after few months of using SQL Express 2012. At start of Import and Export data (DTSWizard) I got this error. At first I uninstalled SQL and reinstalled it again but the error was still here. After some “googling” I found the sollution. The problem lies in installation of Visual Studio…

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Warning: mssql_connect() [function.mssql-connect]: Unable to connect to server:localhost

ENGLISH Together with PHP and Apache server I was using MS SQL 2000 database. After upgrading database to MS SQL 2012 aplication (which was using db) start to show error at connecting to db: Warning: mssql_connect() [function.mssql-connect]: Unable to connect to server…After longer search I fund the solution –  the library file ntwdblib.dll . For…

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Ukash virus

Včeraj sem dobil klic, da kolega ne more uporabljati MS windows xp, ker se mu ob prijavi pojavi okno z opozorilom. Pisalo je, da je delo onemogočeno dokler ne nakaže 100 eur na nek račun… Takoj sem se spomnil na virus, ki je bil omenjen v medijih kakšen teden nazaj – Ukash virus. Tukaj je…

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The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view….

ENGLISH A few times at windows upgrade I run at this error: The website has encountered a problem and cannot display the page you are trying to view. The options provided below might help you solve the problem. How to solve it? Download last version of  Windows Update Agent for Windows XP (32-bit): Stop Windows…

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