GPS not working on Samsung galaxy S5 (G900F)

If you phone doesn’t get any GPS signal then this is the solution:


  1. Install latest rooted TW (original Samsung Touch wiz rom) like (Alexandr ROM )
  2. Install from play store Shortcut Master (…cutmaster.lite)
  3. Open ‘Secret Code Explorer’ menu, scroll down to 27663368378 and launch it (select ‘Launch 0’, root is required).
  4. Then select the latest menue option Hardware sensors
  5. Then the latest option restore (rebuild) NVRAM (or something like that. I’m writing this from my memory )
  6. Reboot the phone
  7. Try GPS – it should work
  8. Now you can install new CM rom or restor version from TWRP or any other recowery

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