
OpenElec je še ena verzija sistema XBMC za Raspberry Pi. Prav tako kot pri Rasbmc je osnova Linux. Razlika je v tem, da je OpenElec bolj zaprt za razne dodatke (deluge, MC) na nivoju Linua. Nekaj dobrodošlih nasvetov:

– dostop v linux preko ssh je v osnovi root/openelec

– dostop do boot mape je skrit. Potrebno je pripeti (mount) mapo, ki se tukaj imenuje flash

mount /flash -o remount,rw                           (rw zato, da imamo pravice za branje in pisanje)

– ARM procesor v raspberry pi ni nič navit in je to potrebno storiti v config.txt

– samba in SSH dostop se omogočita v XBMC-ju v programskem dodatku OpenElec

– restart openeelec


– vsi aktivni procesi

         ps -ef



V windows explorer vpiši \\ipnaslov in tu izberi mapo Configfiles. Datoteko samba.conf.sample preimenuj v samba.conf . Datoteko odpri in na koncu dodaj naslednje vrstice:


path = /media 
available = yes 
browsable = yes 
public = yes 
writable = yes


[Videos] (the folder name on the network)
path = /storage/videos (the path of the actual folder in the file system)
available = yes (makes the share accessible)
browsable = yes (can you browse to the share, or do you need to type it in manually)
public = yes (allows unauthorised users to access the share)
writable = yes (allows write access to the share)
root preexec = mkdir -p /storage/videos (if the folder doesn’t exist, create it)


OpenElec is just another version of XBMC system for Raspberry Pi. Just as Raspbmc the basic system is Linux. The differenc is that Rasbmc is mor open on Linux level (Deluge, MC). Here are few tips :


– access in linux through SSH by default is root/openelec

– access to boot folder is hidden. You have to mount the folder which is named flash in OpenElec

mount /flash -o remount,rw                                      (rw stands for read and write)

– ARM processor in raspberry pi is not overclocked by default. You have to enable it in config.txt (flash folder)

samba and SSH access is easy to enable in XBMC – program addon OpenElec

– restart openeelec


– all active processes

         ps -ef


In windows explorer  input \\ipaddress and choose folder Configfiles. File samba.conf.sample rename to samba.conf . Open file and at the eof add:

path = /media 
available = yes 
browsable = yes 
public = yes 
writable = yes

[Videos] (the folder name on the network)
path = /storage/videos (the path of the actual folder in the file system)
available = yes (makes the share accessible)
browsable = yes (can you browse to the share, or do you need to type it in manually)
public = yes (allows unauthorised users to access the share)
writable = yes (allows write access to the share)
root preexec = mkdir -p /storage/videos (if the folder doesn’t exist, create it)

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