When you choose to shutdown laptop in shuts down and then starts up again. This is problem when it is powered to AC or on docking station. Here is Lenovo statement.
Go to BIOS and disable this settings:
– Wake on LAN
– Wake on LAN from Dock
– Power On with AC Attached
Thunderbolt 3
– Wake by Thunderbolt
If this is not working try disabling fast startup
EDIT: My moteherboard was replaced! But after few weaks I was getting Fan error on start and now they will replace fan 🙂
Ko izbereš zaustavi sistem se notesnik ugasne in takoj prižge nazaj. Ta problem se pojavi. ko je notesnik priklopljen v elektriko ali je na docking postaji. Tukaj je link do povezave , kjer je Lenovo objavil kaj storiti ob tem problemu.
Pojdi v BIOS in izklopi naslednje nastavitve:
– Wake on LAN
– Wake on LAN from Dock
– Power On with AC Attached
Thunderbolt 3
– Wake by Thunderbolt
Če to ne deluje poizkusi izklopiti hitri zagon.
EDIT: Servis mi je zamnejal matično ploščo
Having the same with t460s
Can confirm on this model: none of the options works exactly. but a little improvement:
Disableing Wake on LAN fixed it for me .
Iit is reproduceable: if I re-enable this, the machine will boot up again one second after shutdown.
But the notebook still powers on when AC Power is attached even if this option is disabled in UEFI.
I send mine on service and thy finally replaced motherboard.. Now everything is ok..